Monday, April 14, 2014

L is for Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

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L is for Leaning Tower of Pisa and for Last Week of Lent this year.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a UNESCO WHS that I've always dreamed to see for real since I was in grade school. While working for my masters degree, I thought of applying for a short training course in Italy so I can make a side trip to this attraction. This site has been on the list since the year I was born. So perhaps I should imagine for a monumental year to visit this, say when I turn 30? Ah, sounds like a plan!

Lent, as we know is a Catholic event on its last week for this year. I haven't been a devout and observant Catholic but I am hoping to be able to reflect and meditate more before the season is over. A lot of overwhelming changes are happening lately due to life changing decisions I've made at the start of this year. I know I need to slow down and have some time to look deeper inside myself. 

But my oh my, it's Monday! Gotta stop being pensive for now and F-O-C-U-S. There are so many things to learn and get accomplished in a little time.

I wish all of us a great week!



  1. Maria,

    I'd love to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa too!

    Last week of Lent... yes! I'm finding it a bit hard to write my posts and concentrate on Easter preparations at the same time. I don't think the challenge coincided with Easter last year. Anyway, only a few days to go. My husband and children are busy preparing their music for all the Masses. The Easter Vigil is our favourite Mass of the year. I hope you get a chance to do some reflection this week. I hope I do as well!

    You have a great week too!

  2. I don't celebrate Lent, but congratulations on making it to the end! I don't know if I'll ever see the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person, but it's great to see pictures like this.


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