Friday, September 7, 2012

Don't be jealous!

"What about you? Are you happiest and saddest right now than you've ever been?"

"Of course I am."


"Because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you."

Nicole Krauss, The History of Love

This post is for the Postcard Friendship Friday blog roll at The Best Hearts Are CrunchyI can't help but smile a sweet smile, the postcard gives me warm and lovely thoughts. And having these nice thoughts as the not-so-easy week is winding down is like getting a reward! 

A Bavarian phrase is written at the back of the card. From my inquiry at the Postcrossing group in Facebook, a nice woman from Stuttgart said it means, "Don't be jealous." The sweet smile is plastered on my face because of the postcard and the prose, not to mention that this card is something on my wishlist: children and traditional costumes. I can't thank the sender enough! :)

~ maria

Facebook Postcard Swap, Sender: Vanessa Rebecca
Sent from München, Germany, Sent on 7 August 2012
Received on ~ 24 August 2012, Traveled ~10,170 km in 18 days


  1. Oh so nice you like my postcard! I am happy it found such appreciation! :)

  2. What a lovely postcard, and I adore the quote! Thank you so much for joining us.

    And thank you for visiting my art blog. There are quite a few hidden in the wings of the angel--but also, in the moon itself there are five or six--somehow in putting it onto the computer, those didn't show up. ((hugs)) Thanks for asking!


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