Facebook Swap, Sender: Nathan Sent: 31 Aug 2012 from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Received: 2 Oct 2012, Traveled 18,274 km in 32 days |
Facebook Swap, Sender: Nathan Sent: 31 Aug 2012 from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Received: 2 Oct 2012, Traveled 18,274 km in 32 days |
The long weekend to cap the Holy Week was over. As promised, I limited my use of electronic gadgets; I did my best to spend a quiet time with myself. I fathomed the decisions I made, the life I live at the moment, the struggles for progress, the tendency to give up on hope, the grueling wait for results.
A new week arrives. To my dismay, life still looks bleak. The horizon did not change much as I hope it would. I reckon, geographically wise, I am where I incessantly prayed for. Yet, as cliche as it is, let me put myself in a position right now where I am "too near yet incredibly far" from where my heart longs to be. Perhaps I am where I want to be, not where I need to be.
As my lonely and weary soul seeks for guidance, I stumble again on this quote:
God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without the rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
I find solace that my postcards for today is most fitting. Here are two views of the Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro. Seen on these postcards are the Carioca landscapes between the mountain and the sea. It was inscribed in the UNESCO WHS in 2012.